Some updates, upcoming posts, MIA, weather and the holy month

4:40 am: The alarm rings, it sounds like it is coming from somewhere far away. I assume it’s the after effects of a good smoke last night, no not cigarettes.

I let it ring and it stops on it’s own.

2 hours and a little more later

7:30 am: I realise I have passed the time, the one where I eat, pray and do other things before starting my fast. Disappointed with myself I begin my class yo aprendo español.

A little while later I move towards काई हो रियो हैं| Yes that’s the language of the land I am in right now.

8:00 am: A walk to the lake, meet some known faces, chat up.

8:30 am: Scrolling through my photo gallery. Photo dump. I have been wanting to journal in a while. It’s just not happening for some reason, I just can’t get to doing it. My mind has been occupied with something that has been bothering me way too much.

9:45 am: I sit by the lake to write this post. It’s hotter then usual. I wonder if the rain gods will play it cool today so people living here and the others who travel as well feel better.

10:10 am: An aunty walks up to have a conversation asking where the fort is and other shops around the city. She seems miffed by her desert safari. Totally unsatisfied, says they didn’t show her what was promised. I look at her with questions all over my face. She walks away talking about costing and left me wondering if there’s a possibility she will get a better experience in the days to come.

Just as I thought of connecting her to someone else for her safari, she kept walking far towards her group.

10:30 am: Upcoming posts include some life updates, plan changing situations and the reduction of posts going forth as compared to what it used to be. I sit thinking what and how I intend doing it.

This happens to be the first time I am observing Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community.

I have been missing-in-action (MIA) in this writing space and chances are I will in the days to come. Drop me a line and connect on social media to see more of my travel and other things I do or just to stay connected.

Read more from the word cloud or the menu!

18 thoughts on “Some updates, upcoming posts, MIA, weather and the holy month

      1. Heya Priti! I dunno if it’s a problem but I did want to read and it won’t give take me to your site. Ummm also if that’s not working guess I can’t even comment on anything.
        I think I will try again in a while!

        Liked by 1 person

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